Monday, February 8, 2010


To those of you who daily celebrate NOT having roommates...I am here to tell you that roommates are the perfect thing. 
What is better than coming home from a hot overnighter with one of your love interests, only to discover that your roommate has an even better idea... the party that is still going from last night.  I thought I'd be coming home to my room, my computer, perhaps a pot of coffee made by my more melllow roommate Emily.  But no... Steve and several of his friends are snorting ecstacy and getting ready for their second or third wind of the evening, or should I say morning?  When I'm already wearing an olive green jumpsuit just for kicks, you better believe I cannot resist jumping into the party at least for an hour or two.  Doesn't it make sense that we ended up on the roof cuddled up in blankets drinking mimosas? 
Wisely, however, I opted not to join the caravan for a mid-day costumed pub crawl, although I generously loaned all the hats and shades I could find in my halloween box.  Luckily, one of the entourage had the decency to offer a tasty bit to keep me going for the rest of the day, since rolling is not the best way to show up to work.  God bless roommates who quite often take the monotony out of an otherwise average Monday. 
And it doesn't hurt that I spent my Sunday evening with someone special and his roommate drinking a fantastic cab and watching Zombieland.  My life has never been more charmed.

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