Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm not bored, yes I am

Do you ever feel like you do things, you do things, you do things, and you're still the most boring person you know? I just spent 2 good hours on facebook looking at how exciting every one else's lives are. I mean, there's not even ONE photo of me doing any kind of water sport.  The only picture taken of me outside was at a wine tasting.  And we were forced to sit outside.  Thank god I like running or I'd be indoors all of my life.  I'd be dead of a vitamin D deficiency by now. I'm very thirsty by the way...

1 comment:

  1. Josh Rader - how can you say that about yourself?? You live like FIVE lives in one night for sheesh sakes! Yes, I just said sheesh sakes. I think you may have killed all your brain cells which is what is contributing to this memory loss of "living."
