Friday, September 4, 2009

Where has all the bohemia gone?

Last night was first Thursday in my neighborhood, meaning that the local businesses display artwork made by local artists, while selling booze and food at discounted prices. This is really cool if you are a local artist, or a local resident looking to cash in on some fun. Now, I went down the block with my date to the cafe on the corner that I frequent during the week. The place was JUMPIN. The was a line out the door (mind you this place sells pints of beer for $1.75). Everyone standing in the line was gorgeous in the "I-didn't-wash-today-because-I-have-such-a-delicious-natural-scent" kind of way. Artists were painting outside on giant canvasses, leaving the intoxicating smell of spray paint all around. A few feet away, between my fav cafe and the other one on the block was an acoustic blues band! Does it get anymore bohemian than young folks doing their thing and making a ruckus on a Thursday night?
So I thought.
Turns out no matter how hard this city tries, it just cannot unclench the sphincter long enough to have a truly good time. I'm not going to say I didn't have any fun because for being nearly sober I thought the scene was pretty cool. I just got a little perturbed when one of the members of the band (the tenor clarinet player from Cafe International) asked someone not to dance in front of the band. WHAT? It was an immense buzzkill for me, and trust me, I earned that natural high. Then a few minutes later, some random guy faked like he was going to tip the band and instead stole 2 dollars out of the case! My friend who witnessed this wasn't manning up to stop the guy so he made a clean steal. But seriously? That is karmic death.
I'm willing to say that the artists and cafes are pretty awesome for starting up a first Thursday that far exceeds the scene on Geary Street by the same name. But next month I refuse to bring my manners to an event that is clearly a nod to the bohemia of 19th century France, or even 1960's San Francisco. Besides, if I have to hear one more person talk about how many thousands of dollars their "fine art" is worth, you can bet the fighter in me is coming out.
Here's some advice San Francisco: put down the weed, get a job, and quit complaining that you can't collect unemployment because you don't pay taxes. Ughhhh.


  1. oh the life of the young and spoiled. too many damn white people if ask me. (nice fireworks by the way.) how 'bout smiling once in a while? that goes a long way. everybody funny and everybody wants to feel necessary. calm down people with your cool and your attitude. dude, it just re-inforces the bullshit that we all have to endure. happy labor day. love, rosie the riveter

  2. ps, you are and have always been fucking hilarious! keep it coming.

  3. I went to Santa Barbara's First Thursday and got to stay longer this month because my Adult Ed art class is on vacation. Here most locations want a donation for the wine offered and charge a higher price for a beer in a smaller plastic size container. I hate drinking beer out of plastic. Actually I prefer wine but I am switching to beer in aluminum cans. Public radio tells me glass stored beer suffers from UV degradation.
    The purpose of the art openings here is to provide a little cheese and crackers to other starving artist friends. This month I didn't have any opening for my art so I got to enjoy supporting several artist friends who did. That felt great. I take pictures of them by their art and email them a pix.
    I don't know what it says about Santa Barbara and what is now 'sick' but outside the city Museum of Art they set up a carpeted area and featured some 'break dancing'.
    sorry, I am laughing now.

  4. Coooooooool!!!!! I may have to schedule my next Friscobaldi trip on a first Thursday.

  5. yes joaquin... i'm glad to hear you'll be visiting again!
    and thank you for the comments, since the purpose of this blog is to confirm that i have at least one friend out there!

  6. please use the word intoxicating more...I'm not sure you do;-) oh phiny!
