Thursday, May 19, 2011

TP versus WU

Dear People of the Estados Unidos,
ALWAYS carry TP into los baños de Espana.  While I think that most of the bathrooms have been very clean here, most of them do not have TP (although they all have TP dispensers, so it´s tricky to remember).  If I had been thinking, I would have realized that I needed to pack some tissues before I left the room today.  But obviously I wasn´t thinking, since I just went (right here at the internet cafe) before I checked the TP situation.  After a moment of panic, I did the only thing I could think of.  I wiped my ass with a Western Union form that I was saving for later...
OOOOOPS.  This is definitely a new one for me. 


  1. Ps - same goes for France - travel Kleenex a go-go

  2. nothing like good old-fashioned angel soft in the 12 pack! there are some positives here in the us of a!! i love you. see you soon! 9:37 pm 05/19/11 in loma linda ca
